Commercial Vehicle Insurance

Get coverage for the motors
that run your business

A range of commercial vehicle insurances

Why Commercial Vehicle Insurance from Raheja QBE

Securing your commercial vehicles is an important part of operating them. At Raheja QBE you can choose from a number of vehicle insurance plans to suit your needs and utilization of your commercial vehicle.

Offering a variety of insurance products to keep you secure

Liability Only - Goods
Carrying vehicle

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against legal liability arising out of the use of vehicle, towards third parties.

Liability Only - Passenger
carrying vehicle

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against legal liabilities arising out of the use of the vehicle, towards third parties.

Liability Only -
Miscellaneous Vehicles

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against legal liability arising out of the use of vehicle, towards third parties.

Package Only - Goods
carrying vehicle

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against damages caused by fire, burglary, natural calamity and other such untoward events.

Package Only - Passenger
carrying vehicle

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against damages caused by fire, burglary, natural calamity and other such untoward events.

Package Only -
Miscellaneous Vehicles

*This is a base product

This policy provides coverage against damages caused by fire, burglary, natural calamity and other such untoward events.


  • Vehicle is registered with Regional Transport Office (RTO)
  • Individual/ Corporate is registered owner of the vehicle.

Products we offer


Secure your health and peace of mind

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There is no reverse gear from vehicle damage

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Get coverage for the roof that covers you

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Get coverage for your office and commercial assets

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